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Integrated Solutions

What can we do for your compay

Business Process Outsourcing

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is the third part of business that strongly uses technology of information. This way our clients can dedicate its efforts on relationship with their own clients, looking for achieving their companies goals and promote their business growth while we take care of the financial and administrative activities.


Throughout our Shared Services Center, located at Hesselbach company matrix in São Paulo (SP),we execute our clients daily activities, being acting in parts of a process or in a department, or in all financial and administrative activities of the company. Thanks to Hesselbach investment in technology we access remotely our clients operational systems to execute activities.


On fiscal area, Hesselbach maintain partnerships with collaborator companies, resulting in the offering of complete solutions, including fiscal solution, which is directly integrated to clients ERP. The ERP is an information system that connects all processes database in order to organize it in a single system.


Consultancy service provision offered by Hesselbach Company is different by the pactice of punctual tasks, with a schedule of beginning, middle and end. Services are extremely technical and rendered by the best professionals of the market in the following areas: Fiscal, Accounting, Financial and Payroll. Another differential is the processes mapping, in which we carry out a complete survey of our clients operations, whether for the restructuring of a department or either for the survey and analysis on the process of a new company acquisition that might be incorporated. Routine mapping of key areas (analytics or dynamics) enables the identification of tasks that can be optimized, whether systemic or turned to restructuring the activity in management, generating time optimization, dynamism and impact awareness.


With the collaboration of the involved, this improvement allows the alignment of the priorities developed by each one, whether by the key or the intermediate collaborator, providing efficient and satisfactory results for both the crew and the organization. This work also allows the elimination of the individualized management, once the activities will be understood and shared online to all involved sectors.

Assignment of Labor

Assignment of labor is the collocation at hand of the hirer company, under its outhouse or outsourcing, of workers that realize continuous services related or not with its end activity, whatever the nature and the form of hiring, including through temporary job. The model allows us to go further from our technical expertise on Fiscal, Accounting and Financial areas, because our big differential is our administrative management of our allocated professionals.


In other words, the client takes on technical responsibility and guidance of the daily work, while we are responsible by keeping up with rendered service by our collaborator. Weekly, a Hesselbach Company coordinator aligns the attendance project with our collaborator and the client manager. Besides that our Human Resources (HR)  professionals make monthly visits to our clients, for them to keep up closely the projects progress.


Outsourcing is with no doubt one of the most adopted resources adopted by companies and big organizations, not only in Brazil but all over the world. This model has been used as a way to optimize results of the companies and organizations, besides being an alternative way to minimize spending, risks and expenses with labor benefits.


Outsourcing allows delegation of responsibilities of a determined company to third parties. It is when an organization hires the services of other companies to realize some activities without having any relations or bounds. The main objective of this kind of business is outsourcing secondary activities so the organizations can focus and concentrate all its efforts in more important services which they offer to the market.


The promulgation of law 13.429/2017 and the 331 docket of the Tribunal Superior do Trabalho (TST) that allowed companies to outsource all services, boosted Hesselbach growth in about 25%. Together with this legislation that favors the Assignment of Labor model, the company also utilize the good phase to update and invest in new technologies.


Before focused on assignment of labor and outsourcing inside this companies, with the new law the company could organize a model to create a Shared Services Center inside Hesselbach. This way if a company needs a service it has the option of being served by an employee allocated in headquarters and branches of the company.


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